The hymen is a membrane or a thin tissue layer generally intact in virgins and younger women. The barrier to the vaginal entrance is formed by this membrane. Certain cultures place an extremely important significance on the hymen being intact. Under certain circumstances, repairing the hymen becomes necessary. This is accomplished through an operation called hymen repair. Some females have very elastic hymens that will not tear even when the woman has intercourse. In most cases, the hymen tears due to intercourse, specific types of exercises or inserting a tampon. Every female does not have the same kind of hymen. This is dependent on physiological considerations such as thickness, width and location.
According to medical experts and physicians, the main purpose of the hymen is the protection of the vagina from bacterial penetration. This means in addition to the hymen being an important symbol for virginity, the health of the woman is being preserved and protected. Even if the female lost her virginity due to a means other than intercourse, she may be the victim of negative remarks and shamed. There are a lot of different reasons the woman may want to have her virginity restored. This includes for the benefit of her male partner, the ability to have a vaginal orgasm while having intercourse and ethical, moral or religious considerations. The specific reasons often vary according to the culture.
In most cases, hymen repair is performed with the use of anesthetic with sedation. The woman can request general anesthesia if this is her preference. The operation is generally an outpatient procedure. The hymen contains a secondary layer. The torn skin can be covered when this layer is addressed by the surgeon. Once the hymen has grafted together, it will appear as completely intact. In some of the less common instances, this is not possible. One of the biggest issues concerning the majority of women is the embarrassment preventing them from speaking with a surgeon. It is important to understand the surgeon will treat this condition with the utmost discretion and respect.
The surgery is a straightforward and effective solution for the correction of this condition. During the actual reconstruction, the hymen’s villiform remnants are separated through the use of specialized techniques. A circular membrane is recreated when the remnants are put together. The surgery involves restoring the anatomical integrity of the hymen membrane.
It is important to note that women with diabetes, infectious diseases, venereal diseases, current pregnancy, endometriosis, poor blood clotting or cancerous tumors should not have this surgery. There are different procedures effective for repairing the hymen. This includes hymenorrhaphy, hymenoplasty and restoring the hymenal ring. In order to effectively repair the hymenal ring or the hymen, the surgeon must use a variety of different techniques. A broken hymen is usually not considered a type of ritual but an actual condition as opposed to the rituals performed by certain cultures regarding the hymen. The importance is symbolic, in direct relation with the position of the female according to society. Certain cultures believe when the female loses her virginity, she has been transformed from a girl into a woman.
The impact of a female breaking her hymen prior to marriage has serious implications for both the female and her family in a number of different cultures. The hymen is first formed during the seventh and twelfth week of the development of the embryo. This is the time during pregnancy when the gender of the fetus is established. In a male fetus, the scrotum is formed when the genital walls are fused. If the fetus is female, the labia majora and minor are formed. This is the external and internal vaginal lips. In the center of the hymen is the opening of the mucosal fold. As the fetus develops, the mucosal fold remains in place. There are significant differences in the opening and shape of the hymen. This is related to the age of the fetus.
There are numerous interesting facts regarding the hymen. These include:
• The hymen remnants are called carunculae myrtiformis once the woman has become sexually active.
• The hymen only forms in the embryo in 99.9 percent of all pregnancies. This means one out of every thousand females does not have a hymen when she is born.
• The demand for surgery for hymen repair is continuing to increase due to the increase.
• Forty percent of all girls surveyed said they do not believe it is fair that only females are expected to enter marriage as a virgin.
• Half of all the girls participating in the interview said they want the same traditions they observed to be respected by their future daughters.
It is incredibly important to understand what being a virgin means not only to the female but to her partner and both of their families. In most cases, the partner is as much a part of this surgery as possible. The partner is also fully informed. This takes the equality of both females and males into consideration to help prevent any psychological or physical damage. Both parties receive a full explanation of the procedure, the expected results and discretion. The surgery has been performed often and is considered to be safe.
The Procedure for Hymen Repair: What to Expect
The first step once the female has decided she is interested in hymen repair is to arrange a consultation with the surgeon. The procedure will be fully explained. It is important for the individual to be straightforward and clear regarding what she expects from the surgery. The surgeon will answer all her questions in addition to providing instructions to help her prepare for the operation. When hymen remains are available, the surgeon can put them back together. This is called the basic technique. To prevent the individual from experiencing any discomfort, either a general or local anesthesia is administered. The torn hymen can then be repaired.
When it is not possible to put the remnants back together, another technique can be used. If a new hymen must be created, the hymen reconstruction procedure is used. Tissues from the vaginal lips may be used for the creation of a new hymen. It is important to note the female must not have intercourse for a set amount of time after this surgery. After the completion of the surgery, the woman will spend a fairly short period of time in the recovery area before being released to go home.
In most cases, the woman is able to return to work in just days. Moderate activities should be avoided for a set amount of time. If the hymen is taken care of properly, the restored hymen can be maintained until the next time the woman has intercourse. However, it’s important to keep in mind that results vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors.
The Types of Hymen Repair Surgeries
There are different types of surgeries used for this purpose. This depends on the condition of the hymen and other factors. The available surgeries include:
• The short-term surgery uses strong, thin threads to put the remains of the hymen back together. The entrance to the vagina is decreased in size and becomes tighter. This option is intended for the short-term.
• The three-layer operation is a type of plastic surgery. The hymen remains are put back together by the surgeon. This procedure does not require any special rehabilitation after the surgery.
• The long-term surgery fully restores both the original plaque and the vestibule of the vagina’s mucous membrane. This option can keep the hymen intact for a long time. When the hymen is broken during intercourse, the amount of natural blood released will make it appear the woman was a virgin.
• The hymen can also be repaired with the simple repair procedure. The remnants are put together to close the tear. This is a simple procedure.
• The vaginaplasty is considered to be a more major surgery. This surgery is performed on an outpatient basis.
The type of correction necessary is dependent on each individual female. It is important to have a thorough examination prior to the surgery. This will determine the best possible treatment for the woman and what she can expect from the procedure. This type of surgery is recommended for women with sports injuries and unwanted sexual experiences, and those who have suffered from sexual violence, have been raped or have inserted a tampon incorrectly. Prior to the surgery, a visual examination is performed. Certain tests can be scheduled such as a general urine analysis, a blood clotting test, biochemical and general blood tests, the purity of the flora is checked with a gynecological smear and blood testing is performed.
Get All the Facts During an Initial Consultation
If you are interested in hymen repair, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office of Mark P. Solomon, MD so your personal consultation can be arranged. We are proud to offer hymen repair and would be more than happy to evaluate your case and determine your candidacy for the procedure. Good candidates are in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the procedure, recovery, and results. You won’t know for sure whether or not the procedure is right for you until you come in for your appointment. During this meeting, it’s important to be open and honest with our surgeon. Your privacy and trust are of utmost importance to us.
The office of Mark P. Solomon, MD has two locations in Philadelphia/Bala Cynwyd, PA and Beverly Hills, CA. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started. We look forward to hearing from you!
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