Has a buried penis affected your confidence and even kept you from intercourse with your partner? It can be easy to feel discomforted with a buried penis, a condition that covers penile tissue with excess skin from the pubic or scrotal regions. If you are seeking not only amazing results but unparalleled experience and professionalism, Dr. Solomon– who has been in practice for over two decades– performs buried penis surgery for patients seeking greater masculine function and aesthetic in the greater California area.
Mark P. Solomon MD is a board certified plastic surgeon with advanced expertise in buried penis surgery. Dr. Solomon leads his amazing team in giving all of our patients an unforgettable, fulfilling experience with results they can truly smile about. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if this procedure may be right for you.
Causes of a Buried Penis
- Excessive or not enough foreskin extracted during a circumcision, resulting in the remaining skin pulling the penis forward and concealing it
- Abnormally weak penile ligaments
- Scrotal swelling caused by excess lymph fluid can conceal penile tissue
- Excessive fat due to overweightness or obesity from the pubic region burying the penis
Buried Penis Surgery
There are many unique approaches to buried penis surgery, some of which include:
- Suction lipectomy: Utilizing catheters to extract fat cells from the area around the penis
- Abdominoplasty: To remove fat from the abdomen that may be hiding penile tissue
- Escutheonectomy: Removing excess fat around the pubic region
While these are just a few methods we perform, Dr. Solomon understands that every case is very distinctive. During your consultation, the designated area will be carefully examined to determine what may be causing the buried penis. From there, Dr. Solomon will advise the proper approach for your case and educate you on what you can expect from your procedure. Patients who have received buried penis surgery have enjoyed permanent results that have not only enhanced penile function but boosted their self-confidence.
Surgical Removal Of Scar Tissue And Excess Skin In Buried Penis Treatment
In many men with buried or hidden penis, there is an excess of skin around that penis that conceals it. Many surgeons will remove the excess skin from the penis in an effort to reveal the penis. If the skin is scarred due to rare conditions such as filariasis or lymphedema, it will be important to remove that skin and reconstruct the shaft of the penis. However, these conditions are very rare. Skin cancer of the penis is also rare and would require removal of the shaft skin. But most men do not have these issues. Sometimes surgeons think the excess skin is due to an inadequate circumcision and they are treated with a revision circumcision. Dr. Solomon has long understood that this plan can actually make your situation worse. If there is excess skin and an effort is made to remove the skin in the area of the glans (head of the) penis, the remaining skin will often telescope down on the head of the penis actually making the condition worse.
Another issue that can contribute to a buried penis is a condition known as a scrotal web, also called a turkey neck. In this condition, scrotal skin can extend all the way to the head of the penis and interfere with intercourse. It can also exacerbate a hidden penis if there is an excess of pubic skin and fat. Traditionally, men with a scrotal web were treated with a technique known as a z-plasty. This rearranges the tissue of the scrotum and divides the web to make the angle between the penis and the scrotum more defined. However, this is an older method that has been replaced with other techniques which Dr. Solomon uses on a regular basis. These newer methods have the advantage of not creating excess scarring on the scrotum while simultaneously releasing the web.
Potential Candidates for Buried Penis Surgery
During your consultation, we will review with you your medical history and carefully examine the designated area in order to properly determine if buried penis surgery may be suitable for you. It’s very important to keep realistic expectations in mind towards this procedure as well as maintaining a healthy body weight and good health. Men diagnosed with bleeding disorders may not be candidates.
Would you like to learn more about buried penis surgery and if you may qualify as a candidate? Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
What Is Scrotal Lymphedema
Many men ask about scrotal conditions that may accompany buried penis. Webbing is the most common of these. Rarely, men will have scrotal lymphedema. This is usually caused by other issues such as massive weight gain or parasitic disease. These conditions are exceedingly rare and require treatment that is tailored to the causation. These conditions are so rare that discussion of them is not appropriate for this page. Some men have chronic skin rashes in their pubic area. While annoying, those rashes are not a cause of illness. They are generally caused by an excess of abdominal tissue that overhangs the pubic area. If that is one of your concerns, you may want to have a tummy tuck at the time of your pubic surgery.
Many men think that treatment of a buried penis is performed by a urologist. Urologists will perform a procedure known as escutcheonectomy which removes all skin of the pubic area. THIS IS THE WRONG WAY TO CORRECT A BURIED PENIS. Dr. Solomon is a plastic surgeon who has considerable experience in the management of body contouring. Body contour procedures are a major part of plastic surgery practice. Dr. Solomon uses methods developed in plastic surgery for contouring the pubic are that provide improved appearance in a natural way with a scar that is discreet in the line between the abdomen and the pubic area, not in the middle of the pubic are which can cause shortening and distortion of the penis. Urologists manage issues related to urinary and sexual function that arise from the penis, testes, hormones, bladder and other associated structures. Dr. Solomon works with several prominent urologists in Beverly Hills when his patients have issues related to that discipline.
It is common for men with a buried penis to have skin that telescopes down on the head of the penis. The proper way to correct this issue is to perform fixation of the skin to the fascial layer of the penis. These fixation sutures prevent the telescoping and reveal the penis. This can be performed as an isolated procedure, but is more commonly performed in the context of other maneuvers to correct a hidden penis.
As described above, removal of all of the skin of the shaft of the penis is not a very useful way of treating most men with a buried penis. While it is relatively easy to remove all of the skin and place a skin graft, this treatment does not address issues that often accompany a hidden penis such as excess pubic skin and fat. More importantly, a skin graft is used in plastic surgery when there is a deficiency of skin, such as following a wound or burn injury. In fact, most men with a buried penis have TOO MUCH SKIN, not a deficiency. Removal of all that skin will also take away sensation from the shaft of the penis, which is important for sexual function. Dr. Solomon uses methods that reposition the excess skin to preserve its function and appearance. Once the skin is repositioned, the excess skin can be excised from the pubic area, leaving the penile skin intact. Skin grafts lack nerves for sensation and they do not have the same thickness or appearance as the normal skin. Removal of skin also removes the vessels and lymphatics in the skin of the penis. These lymphatics have the function of removing toxins from the glans and shaft. For example, in men who have had silicone injections in the glans, the silicone will migrate to the body using the lymphatics. Once those lymphatics are removed, the silicone will migrate out through the skin causing ulcerations on the glans. The issue for those patients now is much more complicated to treat.
For patients who have skin tumors with removal of penile shaft skin, it may be worthwhile to use skin from the scrotum as a flap rather than using a skin graft. Scrotal skin is more similar to penile skin for some conditions.
How Common Is Buried Penis
Buried penis can affect men at any age. There are even boys who have this condition. The most common reasons that it occurs are in men with massive weight loss and those who are overweight. Overweight men can have an increase in the pubic skin, the pubic fat pad, or both that causes a hidden penis. These patients may also lose the integrity of the skin attachments to the penile shaft that makes the situation worse. In men with massive weight loss, either after bariatric surgery, or more recently after use of the newer weight loss medications, the fat is less of an issue, but skin that has been stretched will hang over the penis and hide it from view. This skin may also cause the shaft skin to slide over the head of the penis, as described above. In extreme cases, some men with buried penis have an inability to have sexual intercourse because they cannot get big enough to overcome the excess skin and fat that is present. Remember that there can also be excess skin in the scrotum. In severe cases, men also have difficulty urinating.
What Are Symptoms Of Buried Penis
The most common causes of buried penis in adult men are due to weight increase and weight loss. Men who undergo bariatric weight loss surgery commonly have excess tissue of their skin and pubic area. This tissue can hang down over the penis and hide it. Treatment involves correction of the excess skin of the abdomen and pubis. Some men require only treatment of the pubic area, using a procedure known as a pubic lift. This method removes excess skin and fat of the pubic area, leaving a scar similar to a C-section in a woman. This can be combined with penis length surgery to release the penile suspensory ligament and provide additional length to the penis. It may also be combined with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to correct the abdomen and penis at the same time.
What Are Conservative Treatments For Buried Penis
Since the causes of buried penis are frequent and variable, it can only be prevented in adults who maintain a stable body weight that is close to their ideal body weight. This will vary for each man. Once the condition occurs, there are no nonsurgical methods to correct it. For the reasons stated above, massive weight loss can be one of the undesirable side effects of losing weight. But remember that your health is improved with weight loss so achieving an ideal weight is always a good thing.
Can I Combine Surgery With Other Procedures
If you think you have a buried penis, your best option is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Solomon, who can identify the issues and outline a plan of care. This can be done in person or virtually in Dr. Solomon’s practice. You will learn the extent of your problem and the methods available for correction. You can even combine surgery with other procedures that may be of interest. For example, many men with hidden penis also have gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) that can be treated at the same time. You will also learn if you would benefit from scrotal surgery or penis enlargement surgery. These procedures are ideally performed at the time of correction of your buried penis.
Who Does A Buried Penis Affect?
If you suffer from some of the issues with intercourse or urination (or both), buried penis surgery can correct them. Revealing your existing penis will make your penis appear longer. If you would like additional length, Dr. Solomon is able to release the suspensory ligaments of the penis to enhance your result and reveal 1-2 inches of length. For many men who think they need a revision circumcision, correction of the buried penis will correct that problem as well, so no additional circumcision is needed. In fact, a revision circumcision can actually make the situation worse for you. That is why it is important to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Solomon who can determine if your issue is best treated with revision circumcision or surgery for buried penis.
What Is The Cost Of Surgery For Buried Penis
The cost of surgery for buried penis depends upon the procedure(s) needed for its correction. In some cases, your health insurance may help to defer the cost. Dr. Solomon has experience treating men with buried penis in getting insurance to cover some costs for some patients. A consultation with Dr. Solomon will provide you with the answers you need.
Pre-operative Evaluation
If you decide to proceed with surgery, there are several things you can do to help get prepared. First, you will need a medical evaluation from your primary physician to make sure you are healthy to have surgery. This may include blood tests and EKG depending upon your age. If you have diabetes, you will need to have good control of your blood sugar to optimize your healing. Dr. Solomon can advise you on the tests and other evaluations you might need.
Surgical preparation varies with each patient. In general, it requires good control of other conditions that you may have such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Hygiene is very important for a good outcome, so you will need to shower before your procedure. You will be instructed on when you should stop taking anything by mouth prior to surgery. Dr. Solomon asks that his patients do not shave any body part prior to surgery. Shaving prior to surgery has been shown to INCREASE the risk of post operative infection.
How Long Will Recovery Take
Surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia provided by an anesthesiologist. Once you arrive at the facility, an IV will be placed and you will meet with the anesthesiologist who will answer your questions about anesthesia. Dr. Solomon will make surgical markings and take photographs. You will be taken to the operating room and it is typical that patients don’t remember anything after that until they are back in the recovery area. Some patients require surgical drains, which are small rubber tubes connected to a bulb collector. If you have these drains, you will be taught how to care for them and Dr. Solomon will remove them within a few days after surgery. Dr. Solomon uses only dissolving sutures, so there are no stitches to be removed. If you have a pubic lift, there will be a scar in the area between your abdomen and pubic area, similar to a scar from a C-section for a woman. Scars take many months to settle and improve. Dr. Solomon will advise you on how to manage your scar. He will also instruct you on timing for showering and resuming normal activities, including sex and exercise. Generally, you will shower within a day or two after your surgery. Exercise and sex are restricted for at least 4 weeks. Patients are given prescriptions for pain medication, an antibiotic and diazepam, which tends to minimize nocturnal erections that can be painful in the first few weeks. Dr. Solomon follows his patients closely to monitor for potential problems. Complications that can arise after surgery include bleeding, infection and wound problems. He is able to manage all of these. In the event of something that requires hospitalization, Dr. Solomon maintains privileges at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles so he can provide the highest level of care needed for any contingency.
Why Choose Dr Solomon
The results of surgery are permanent. Unless some complication occurs, the procedure(s) that Dr. Solomon uses will provide a permanent correction of your problem. Dr. Solomon has more than 25 years of treating men like you and providing excellent outcomes. He has the skill and compassion to help you get through the process and he is with you every step of the way. His patients from outside of Los Angeles stay at a nearby hotel or recovery facility and he makes it a priority to see them every day until they return home. He also provides a car and driver to pick you up from the airport and return you there for your flight home. Follow up care is provided by using virtual visits for those patients who travel to Beverly Hills. In person visits are always welcomed after surgery, as are questions about your care and progress.
Please feel free to contact my office with any questions that you have. My staff is happy to help you arrange a consultation in person in our Beverly Hills office, or virtually. I look forward to meeting you and helping you treat your problem, so you can get on with your life.
Average Rating: 5
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